Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Transfer Complete!!

Sorry I didn't update yesterday. I've been kept busy taking care of Morrisa. Our transfer was pushed back a day, so we went in today. Everything went smoothly. We had 2 emdies that were ready for transfer, and 7 that were on th brink of reaching the blast stage. At first we were debating putting 1 or 2 back but finally agreed with our RE on putting 1 back. We have named our embryo's Doozers from Fraggle Rock for those of you who remember the show. Anyway we're home now resting and hoping that our little doozer digs in. I will post of picture of our embryo as soon as I scan it.

1 comment:

CJ said...

Yay!! Congrats! My egge retrieval is Thursday and transfer on Tuesday. We are also debating whether or not to put back 1 or 2. I am 28. Congrats again!